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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  September 12, 2010 6:00am-8:00am EDT

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annen duringing image of 9/11. where the trade center once stood. good morning, everyone. welcome to news 4 today. it is sunday, september 12th. we'll have much more on how 9/11 was commemorated just ahead. first, a quick peek at our forecast. kim martucci joins us now. finally we have a wet half to the weekend. >> we do. we needed this rain. we have been talking a six-inch plus rain fef sit. something is better than nothing. it should be out of here in time for tailgating and the game later number evening. we have 64 and at reagan international. the main band of rain coming through. it started through the
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overnight. a lot of tailgaters should be good as you get a head start over there. 64 is the temp. we'll take you to 73 with cloudy skies this afternoon. the drying trend is tee. >> all right. nats and redskins. we are following a developing story out of baltimore. police issued an alert or an escaped inmate who could be in the washington area. paul palmer faked a medical emergency while being taken to jail. he is charged with attempted murder in a stabbing last month. he could be traveling with a woman in a silver kia spectra. if you know anything about this case you're urged to call 911. after the release of an american hiker on saturday, a
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senior iranian prosecutor says they will release one today. sarah will be released on $500,000 bail due to health problems. she was to be released yesterday but the process was canceled due to unfinished paperwork. josh and shane will remain in custody. americans are taking time-out this weekend to remember the tragic events of 9/11. new york honored lives lost with an annual light show. the beams stayed on until dawn this morning. lights on the empire state building paid tribute to 9/11. nine years ago, a hijack plane smacked into the west side
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killing 184 people. yesterday he laid a wreath at the pentagon memorial site. the president asked did americans honor the event by holding up values of diversity and tolerance. in shanksville, pennsylvania, first lady michelle obama and former first larry laura bush spoke where the plane crashed. the first lady and her predecessor met privately. a reading of names and a bell toll for each of the victims. several local ceremonies also honored lives lost nine years ago as the years passed demonstrators want others to remember never forget what happened on that day. one man remembers because he lived through it. >> we need to remind everybody
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that we have not forgotten what happened on 9/11. and so the veteran, his son who is about to join the army, and a small group of friends, wave flags and remember at an intersection in germantown. >> it's fantastic. gives you a good feeling inside. we get a lot of responses from everybody, fire engines, to police officers to everyday people that just beep and are happy that there's kind of symbol and remembrance. >> in arlington, these buildings were assembled. this firestation will be a lasting symbol. >> we put life safety first. so putting your life in harm's way comes to mind on this day. >> roses and plaque were not
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enough. they also remembered through pray er. >> there's something happening to this nation. we need to pray. we need to lift the leaders of this nation and the people of this nation. it is so touching to see flowers laid here. >> many who never forget where they were remembered in so many different ways. joseph didmar remembers daily. >> when i see the picture of the plane going into the second building, the building i was in, knowing i was only two or three stories below where the plane went into the building, i'm always thoroughly amazed by the fact that i'm even here. thankful. joyful. after all the attention and controversy, the day when a florida pastor was supposed to burn hundreds of korans turned out to be relatively uneventful. many showed up at the church despite the burning being canceled. security was heavy and police
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inspected every car. but the protests remained peaceful. the biggest event in town turned out ob a football game between florida gators and south florida. pastor terry jones traveled to new york city. in an exclusive interview on the "today" show he said he would never again considering burning the muslim holy book.
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those who remain on the fence -- >> i'm just waiting to see what happens. last-minute. >> both camps pledged continued school reform, touting praise from his reform from the obama administration and gray adding a little bit about how the incumbents is going about it.
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>> because of what we have done here over the next three years, they see us as a great place of promise to continue it going forward. >> with me as your mayor we will keep moving forward with real reform with a chancellor that focuses on all of our children. and, yes, all of our teachers in the process. >> armies of supporters reached critical mass around holy places for early voters. >> one of the speakers put it this way. he likened it to chopping wood. it takes a lot of blows but only the last one splits the log. in the district, derrick ward, news 4. well, not exactly high turnout weather today but we have a couple days to get this out of the way. >> hopefully you got your grass
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mowed yesterday. foggy, rainy shot of the capital as you have one eye open. grab your coffee. your forecast is coming up on the other side of this break. think about the internet.
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morning. >> we are. and it is nice. the grass certainly needs it. crunch, crunch, crunch, go the criters in my yard. hopefully this morning your lawn is getting a nice watering. temperatures have eased back into the middle 60s with rain across the area. wind south at about 3 miles per hour. we'll zoom in, show you where we do have the rain coming down. east of 95 is the heaviest stuff. indian head, brian's road, mt. vernon. a little farther to the north it's just over d.c. coming down at a pretty good clip. all right. we're going to head back to the maps and show you the numbers. winchester, 62. 64 with leonardtown and annapolis. culpepper, 66 degrees. game plan today, push showers east to the afternoon, st. mary. and we should be drying out before lunch. we might have a hint of sunshine
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in martinsburg. first pitch temperature, 71. everyone doing tailgating today at redskins at fedex field. if you're going early there is a risk of shower. certainly by game time, all of it will be to the east. here's that loop showing the band of rain coming through. a little bit more as we head through middle morning. pretty much the trend is drying us out. low pressure cell taking the rain with it. by this evening, again, we'll be dry with leftover clouds. and i think your monday, tuesday, wednesday, even thursday are looking rain free. this next passage will come through. all right. let's put it in writing. we have showers. as we head into the afternoon we're drying out west to east. temperatures between 71 and 76.
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later this evening should have dry, slowly clearing conditions. 66 to 71 this evening. by tomorrow morning, patchy fog since we have the rain. and it looks like our temperature is between 5 and 61 with a northwest breeze at # miles per hour. we will hurdle the rain today. a little cooler in the 70s. tomorrow, into the beginning of the week, back into the 80s. nice day wednesday, 76. our next front on friday. a few showers. saturday is looking good again. highs in the 70s and lows in the 60s. so a nice stretch of fall weather. we do want the rain, though. we'll just have to take what we can get today and next friday. >> all right. you're coming through for us. >> i'm trying. well, a shocker in college football. hakim dermish.
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it's all this morning in sports in a minute. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. your sports minute begins with an upset in college football. james madison on the road against 13th-ranked virginia tech. turns in the play of the game, scoring a 77 yard touchdown. dukes shocked the hokies, 21-16. virginia tech follows to 0-2. college park, maryland, freshman danny o'brien threw three touchdowns in the first half. maryland put up 370 yards of offense, crushing oregon state, 62-3. its highest scoring performance in 3r5 years. navy against georgia southern. not much offense in had game. dobbs's one yard touchdown proved to be the difference. 13-7. and in baseball nationals/marlins.
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espinoza made a diving catch. gets the runner at first. marlins beat the nationals, 4-1. coming up later today here on nbc 4, check out our countdown to kickoff special at noon previewing the big redskins/cowboys game. big day. next up, news 4's reporter's notebo notebook. we'll be back in 15 minutes with the morning's top stories and your sunday forecast. for now here's pat lawson news. good morning. welcome to reporter's notebook. well, with two days to go and two weeks of early voting behind them, the candidates for the push for d.c. mayor are push to go get voters to the polls. the polls show gray maintaining a 7% lead over fenty, leading 45% to 38%. neither candidate is taking anything for granted as they
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stump and patrol for evetroll f. 14% still undecided just a few days before the primary election, might this race be closer than some anticipated? >> i think it is. the undecided vote is critical here. it could really swing things the other way. it's been a tough race. it's been really, really rough out there. and people engaging in both parties at some of these preelection voting sites. complaints that one side has been unruly and the other one has done the same thing. michelle rhee got into the race, campaigning at the old broad ranch market. that's in my neighborhood, folks. but the fact is you wonder about the hatch requirements. people criticized her for doing that. other people said this is not
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good. she's not helping her cause by being partisan. if fenty loses, she'll lose. and dpra said he did an okay job at the department of human services -- did i get that right? it changed a couple times. >> many years ago. >> right. that's true. in any event, he has done a great job but not as great as his supporters think he has and he got bogged down. >> first of all, it's going to fend on who can get their people to the polls. we have seen in recent days charges about people being paid to go to the poll, being promised jobs.
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we're going to see mass chaos. we will probably not know the night of the election who will have won because of all the provisional ballots that will be cast. and we will have to wait until we can see whether those are authorize zed and actually counted. >> what do you all think of the big racial camp that has emerged as a result of this race? four years ago fenty got the majority of votes of citizens of all races. now the race is split right down the middle. >> i think it's a matter of trust. four years ago in ward eight, people trusted him. he was up against coft. this was a whole new promise of leadership for the washington
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mayor yal seat. but over the last four years the trust has dwindled a lot, especially in the black community. the trust is not there. >> the trust is not there, but the narrative that the trust is not there because fenty is not a likable guy marginalizes that there is not trust. people did not get jobs in this administration. the xlexz has changed. we have a number of people who -- the people who were let go in the school, you have to recognize are majority black women who are single head of households. older people. this idea that it's just about fenty is arrogant and fenty is not likable is really just a surface claim by some people.
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there is something different going on. they were promised a different administration from anthony williams. >> there's concern, that while he is well meaning, his sharp elbows have gotten him in trouble. he pushed too far, too hard and hasn't been concerned about people's feelings. there are racial issues in the city. it's not a good idea to totally ignore them and to go ahead and say i can put in anybody i want. they're the good people, the best people without thinking, wait a minute, there's someone in another ethnic background that might be good and purely unpolitical. and i know this sounds not pure but the fact is politics is the art of and you can make certain
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things if you make certain compromises. fenty has not been able to make those compromises or hasn't thought about them to help the overall problem. >> he can't make those compromises, dave, because of his ee lee yes or nation. you can't alienate wards 7, 8, 5, 6 and part of 4. >> it comes from his -- critics say his inability to see what he's doing by the way he's acting. >> chamber of commerce endorsed gray for basically that reason, they feel he will be more inclusive. >> the washington examiner has endorsed fenty, saying the city is moving under the right direction under his leadership. how about the controversial figures throwing their weight. marion barry and moten, who
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co-founded peace-a-holics. >> it's like anything else. like the republicans and the tea party, republican leaders. you want support from certain people who polarize people or an tag niz people but you don't want to get too close to them. you want to get them to motivate for you but keep hands away. >> if there was just one or the other of them out there in either camp, it would hurt the candidate. but they are canceling each other out. >> and the race for council chair where at-large member brown faces orange, what are your thoughts about that race, jerry? >> well, it's very interesting. even with the so-called personal side of kwame brourngs the polls
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have him out in the lead. and if you go out in the communities and you talk to the people in the neighborhoods, you can see even the signs in the yards. it's kwame brown. >> again, it's a referendum on brown. if he can make the arts that he's done a good job, that's good for him. on the other hand, somebody who has been out of politics and can seize on all his problems and mistakes as he sees him, he says i can do a better job. i don't know. >> being out of politics is what has hurt him. he doesn't have as big name recogniti recognition. a lot has changed. even though it wasn't that long that he wasn't involved. he has a really good organization and he's been able
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to weather the charges. >> orange has only talked about personal matters. haven't heard about issues. >> we'll continue talking politics when we come back. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] giving up cigarettes can take more than willpower alone. but today's a new day. for many, smoking is a treatable medical condition. so talk to your doctor about prescription treatment options and support. and this time, make it your time.
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welcome back. let's go to prince gorge's county. in the race for county executive, a race between five candidates. levi, turner, dean, baker and jackson, who is the sheriff. the poll say it's a race, though, between jackson and baker. and that sam dean can pull votes from both. this is baker's third run. he vows to fix the education system, saying it's the first step to improving the county's position in the region. michael jackson, who is endorsed by school union says he can work to set up a curriculum that can
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lead for jobs to high school graduates. there you see turner and levi. size up this race. >> well, baker seems to be the head man. he's out in front. the polls are showing that. he got -- what's today? >> curry. >> wayne curry. those are pretty heavy endorsements in prince george's county. people still like denny, curry. >> but he's run before, at least twice before, and not be able to be successful. i think what you see is whether or not michael jackson will be able to convince people that he can move from being a sheriff to being an administrator. and whether or not this is a
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referendum on how people view johnson, the current county executive term in office. and even though he has tip toed around his support, he has given most of his support to -- >> but he hasn't endorsed anyone. >> he hasn't endorsed anyone officially but he's leaned. the conventional wisdom is he is behind michael jackson. >> well, jackson could be the new face. you know, he hasn't run before. you're right. the other guy has tried twice. maybe you could say if you didn't convince people before, what's he going to do now? on the other hand, he's the establishment candidate. no surprises. you know what he's going to do. on the other hand, jackson had difficulty within the office of sheriff. the two dogs that were killed, what is considered a keystone cops drug raid on their house not done well.
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that was criticized, too. and there's been some other problems with administrative things too. has he been that great a sheriff? a lot of people think he has been. his kind of background would be good as county executive but he would have to prove that. >> maryland attorney general is taking action after alleged voter fraud from a false ballot handed out in the 26th district. it said to support candidates who were not supported by the democratic slate. a judge issued a temporary restraining order declaring the ballot illegal. and required candidates to stop passing out these ballots. we should say the complaints came from angela brooks, candidate for state attorney and the senator who i happen to be married to. a lot of candidates running for
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office. what's the problem here? >> the problem here is there are so many different people. not everybody is astute enough or can keep up with all the names. so you want some help when you go to the voting booth. you want some sort of sample ballot. you want literature. but if the people playing dirty politics are falsifying saying they have endorsements or they don't. . it's ill leempt it does a disservice to the voters. it is clearly voter tampering. >> we are seeing by any means necessary by these politicians. because many who are left off that main slate, you know, in a forum tuesday night in washington they were saying the media covers certain candidatesment but those not
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covered, they go to extremes to get their names out there. marketing 101. >> and you have to wonder the confusion by this, is it going to have lasting results we will see on election day. and did authorities come up in time to deal with it. were they notified in time? did they act in time? is the law the way it should be. >> timing is important. we're talking two days away from the elections. that court order just came down last week. >> jerry, dave, adrian, thanks a lot. thank you for being with us. that's reporter's notebook. news 4 today continues. are you ready for some
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football? redskins season kicks off don't. but the party at fedex field is long before kickoff. kimberly and aaron have the morning off. the news just ahead. first, a quick check on our forecast. and it is a good morning, folks, to stay indoors. it's wet out there. >> yeah. if you want to go grab your paper before it gets soggy, that would be my advice. but i think most of this rain should be coming and going within the morning, which is good. a lot of folks are going to get over to fedex field eight hours before the game starts. can you believe that? i think most of your tailgating will be improving. washington monument obscured by clouds. we have showers. 64 degrees with rain falling. south winds at 6. around the beltway and points to the east, but sterling and shorthand tilly, you are drying out. 61 in martinsburg. 63 la plata. 69 and drying out at noon.
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73 will be the best we do for the high. 80s back in this fork before you know it. and i have the scoop coming up in just a bit. >> eight hours. are they still going to be standing? >> they're providing them with big tvs. >> thank you, kim. see you in a bit. we're following a developing story right now. after camming the release of one of the american detained hikers, the country will release one of them today. iran will release sarah shored on a $500,000 bond because of health problems. more than a year after she was jailed with two of her friends and accused of spying. she was to be released yesterday but the process was canceled due to unfinished paperwork. the two other hikers, josh fa tall and shane bauer will remain in custody. yesterday marked nine years since the september 11th attacks on america. michelle franzen takes a look at
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ceremonies to help remember those on a tragic day. >> reporter: on the ninth anniversary, families and survivors gathered as they have every year in new york, virginia, and pennsylvania. near ground zero, family members read each name of loved ones lost. and at times the public ceremony included personal and emotional tribute. >> my life has not been the same. >> reporter: family members, firefighters, walked into the ground zero construction site laying flowers in the reflecting pool. at the pentagon, president obama alluded to the recent koran burngs. recapture the unity and duty that followed in the weeks and months after the attacks. >> the highest honor we can pay those we lost, indeed, our
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greatest weapon in this ongoing war, is to do what our adversaries fear the most, to stay true to who we are as americans. to renew our sense of common purpose, to say that we define the character of our country. >> reporter: in shanksville, pennsylvania, first lady michelle owe bam and former first lady laura bush paid tribute to united flight 93. tribute and light, twin beams lighting up the new york skyline and symbolizing where the twin towers once stood. ceremonies and memorials that serve as survivors. the nation is still mourning and healing from the losses of that day. michelle franzen, nbc news, new york. a number of local ceremonies
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honored lives lost every year since september 11, 2001. this small group waves flags in germantown, maryland. this year, one veteran's son is about to join the army. flags hanging from the top. in montgomery county, maryland, a special ceremony dedicated a new firestation for first responders. rockville, one group helped commemorate the day through prayer. ♪ it's game time, folks. the redskins will take on their arch rivals, dallas cowboys in the season opener. when fans arrive at the stadium tonight, it's not just a new team they will be seeing. there's new technology to help fans gear up for the big game. darcy spencer shows us the
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upgrades. >> reporter: tailgating redskins fans who arrive early will get to watch other nfl games on five huge jumbo trons staged in the parking lot. they will be tuned to the red zone channel so fans won't miss any of the games of the day. >> expect to see five gigantic video boards. nfl red zone. you can keep up with all the exciting games while you're enjoying the tailgating experience. >> it will open at noon sunday, more than eight hours before the skins take on dallas in what promises to be a spectacular season opener against their arch rivals. fans who get here at 2:00 will see a parade right here in the parking lot. it will feature the redskins cheerleaders and bands. it will all be led by dexter manley. redskins officials say the added
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measures are meant to create a more fan friendly experience at fedex field. the hd video boards will help keep track of the action and player stats. >> if we continue not to win and translate into a successful campaign, it's all for naught. d.c. needs a super poll. >> reporter: the other benefit is beating the crowds. police are urging fans to avoid traditional routes that get bogged down in game day traffic. >> i believe that's what they're anticipating. darcy spencer, news 4. and to help fans get home, metro will be staying open late tonight. the system will close at 1:00 a.m. metro is also putting more trains in service this evening to help handle the huge crowds. if you can't make it out to the
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game tonight, you can catch all the big action between the skins and cowboys right here on nbc 4. coverage begins 8:15. be there. drivers, watch out for construction in northeast washington. the new york and florida avenue intersection is getting a $3 million makeover. crews activated new traffic signals. tomorrow night, workers will pave the road way. drivers will have access to o street when it's finished. should wrap up by the end of the month. a man kills his entire family before turning the gun on himself. it's more than just the president's popularity dropping these days. is obama mania starting to fade.
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as president obama's approval ratings appear to drop, so do sales of merchandise featuring him. sales have fallen off since what they called obama mania, between the election and the inauguration. people are flocking toward anti-oba anti-obama, like don't tread on me and you can keep the change.
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a kentucky man killed five people, then himself apparently over how his wife cooked his breakfast. family members of two people killed say 47-year-old stanley niece was screaming at his wife about how she cooked his eggs when he suddenly began shooting. police say when they arrived at the home in jackson, kentucky, they found niece dead on the front porch with self-inflicted wounds from a shotgun. the bodies of his wife, stepdaughter and three neighbors were found shot to death in a neighbor's trailer. authorities near san bruno, california, say four people are missing after thursday's powerful gas line explosion. a pipe ruptured and leveled 40 homes. five people died. firefighters worked with search dogs yesterday to comb through what's left of one house to find possible victims. meanwhile, the ntsb began its investigation into what caused the massive blast.
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it create a crater half the size of a football field. >> the pipeline was built before the area was densely populated and residential. that certainly increases, in our estimation, the need to look at that issue whether there should be automatic -- >> authorities say people who live in about 270 evacuated homes near the explosion site can begin returning home today. what a frightening weekend for folks there. kimberly, we have a big day coming up this afternoon for the nats. >> we need two ws, don't we? >> yeah. >> we need the weather to cooperate. the forecast coming up. i think we'll sneak them in, everybody. it is raining right now. the forecast coming up. good morning. jaguar platinum coverage is not just a warranty.
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it's a belief in everything we do. it's a 5 year, 50,000 mile promise. with complimentary scheduled maintenance no-cost replacement of wear and tear items and 24/7 roadside assistance. because when you create the most beautiful, fast cars on earth, you create an ownership experience to match. welcome back. this is a live picture, folks. if you squint you can make out the capital. it is thick out there, kim. >> it is. we have some soup. the fog and the rain feels so good. it's been so bone dry here.
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we will take in the moisture if we can. get it out of the way this afternoon and get the games in. hopefully dry. it's a little cloudy. the temperatures, mostly in the 60s. we have had the rain drops since 1:00, 2:00 in the morning. yes, that is rain falling outside. here it is. let me zoom in for you. off to the south and east towards oak, green spring. we have some decent rain. farther to the north leaving frederick county behind, walnut springs, rain up there. and then just the east side around the beltway, green belt, new carrollton, that's where we have the rainy spots for you. we have the 60s here. 61, martinsburg. la plata, 63.
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and that is the number in baltimore as well. a couple showers around moving toward the eastern shore and southern maryland. i think we'll be drying out and quiet in fredericksburg. whin chester, 72. d.c.'s cloudy afternoon anticipated at 73. if you're going around lunchtime for tailgating to 2:00, a slight risk of a shower. i think it's just going to be cloudy. for the game at 8:15, 69 degrees. let me tell you about the hurricane that formed. perhaps you missed it last night at 11:00. it's now 5 miles per hour stronger than when i lost saw you. his name is igor. it's still over the leeward islands. no watches or warnings in effect just yet. it could be quite the player by the end of next week. we'll be watching it. main batch of rain coming through. rogue shower possible to the east later today.
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other than that, not worried about a wet afternoon. at the beaches, though, it will be cloudy, wet. uv index very low. only 2. taking you down to ocean city, clouds and showers around. temperature, 73. that's also the water temperature. locally we have a cloudy one on top. after this morning rain, temperatures cooler than average. 71 to 76. later this evening, temperatures going from 71 to 66. comfortable. slow clearing, though. by tomorrow morning, we do clear out. a risk of fog. monday, tuesday, wednesday are looking nice. not too hot. by thursday, a few clouds moving in. 80. friday, next chance for rain. next saturday looking pretty good. you will have a chance next saturday to do it. >> all right.
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there's always then. >> yes. put it off. >> thanks, kim. >> try athletes might be getting soggy. the ultimate test of endurance is coming to washington. hundreds of competitors will take place rng this morning. athletes will swim, bike and run all over our city. that means you need to be prepared for road closures throughout the day. here's a map of the course. major roadways will be shut down. potomac river freeway. ohio drive and the memorial bridge will be closed as well. 6:30 this morning, and first swimmers at 7:00. virginia tech fans are probably more than just a bit dan. hokies lost another this weekend. hakim dermish has the highlights
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in this morning's sports. good morning, everyone. james madison head coach matthews said this week, it's kind of comical to think you're going to go down there and beat them. yesterday matthews and the dukes went to blacksburg and beat 13-ranked virginia tech. they got paid for it, too. they reportedly paid madison $400,000. it's a common practice for the larger school to pay the smaller school for travel expenses. what's not common, when the small schools beats up on the big school. and pay attention to this, kids. first quarter, hokies on offense. rain coming down. taylor is smooth. finds boykin for a nine yard touchdown. 7-0 lead. second quarter, here comes matthews and the dukes. out to sullivan. avoids tackles. breaks tackles. down the sidelines.
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77 yards. madison down three. remember, folks, not a cupcake. drew fakes the handoff. scoops 12. two tds. up 21-16. frank peopler thinking, what's going on here? in the red zone. darren evans gets hit hard. fumbles. and the dukes recover. wouldn't you know it. and folks in virginia feeling good about that one. upsets virginia tech, 21-16 is the final. all right. let's go to college park, maryland. first quarter maryland up 7-0. quick out to cannon.
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he does the rest. faked out the denieders. he's in for a 19 yard score. 13-0 lead. second quarter, defense gets on the score. check out heartshartsfield. maryland up, 24-0. the route, oh, yeah, that's gone. freshman, backup quarterback danny o'brien in the game. solid here. steps up in the pocket like a veteran. throws a perfect pass to smith. wow. 62-3. let's go to annapolis. navy trying to rebound from the maryland loss last week hosting georgia southern. they try to run a fake punt. not so much. well short of the first down marker.
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mid shipman down to the 40 yard line. they are in business. so then on second and five. ricky throws down santiago. nice catch. dobbs attempted eight passes in the game. three plays later, dobbs doing what he does best. plunges from one yard opinion navy defeats georgia southern. 13-7 is the final. redskins defensive tackle albert haynesworth will play in the season opener against the cowboys according to espn. he could also start the game depending how the dallas cowboys open up on offense. nonetheless, it's go time for the redskins. tonight, the 101st meeting, and you know watch the game right here on nbc 4. for now, here's line blacker brian on facing dallas in primetime. >> it's good to start it off with a bang. week one they're going to show if they bring it.
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we have to take advantage of that. we came up short. it's a new red skin era. new team, new regime. i know they're going to bring it as well. fans, stay tuned. >> all right. stay tuned. elsewhere in the nfl, former maryland terp davis is the highest paid tight end in history. signing a five-year extension worth $37 million, $23 million guaranteed. nationals taking on the marlins yesterday afternoon. top five is where we pick it up. nationals trail 2-0. jason marquis facing logan morrison. hits one to second. check out danny espinosa. diving stab. gets up, throws to first. and he got him. that ends the inning. impressive play by danny espinosa. more defense. ground ball to third.
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in between for zimmerman. stays with it. out at first. check out adam dunn. ramirez, double play. the bats never got going. marlins beat the nationals, 4-1. that's your morning sports. i'm hakim dermish. have a great day. >> you know, we don't even need to move in front of the tv. baseball, tennis, big game think about the internet. growing, evolving, literally transforming our lives. now imagine the possibilities of what tomorrow could bring. at at&t, we support a core set of standards that will guide the internet into the future... to protect users, and reward innovators, for years to come. we support a fair and open internet - affordable and accessible to everyone. transparent networks, managed in ways that are clear to all users. we support the fcc's plan to bring high-speed internet to everyone in america by 2020.
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and we are committed to keeping the internet working, as the economic engine that's creating jobs now. working together, investing, keeping information and ideas flowing freely, we can ensure that the internet will continue to grow and influence the future... in ways we can only imagine. because the future has always been our business. at&t.
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good morning, everybody. it is sunday, september 12th. and a soggy one at that. meteorologist kim martucci joins us in the studio. the rain has arrived. boy, do we need it. >> i'm happy to say it is chucking off to the east. i think most of our afternoon
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plans maybe not as bright and sunny but drying out. there's a live look. that is rain falling on the roof. our number leveled off to 64. most of the showers around the east side of the beltway, shadyside, and down towards southern maryland. is drying out. so 66 up to 70. 60s off to the west around sterling. 62. middle 60s leonardtown and annapolis. speaking of the forecast, 73 today with clouds. any leftover showers should be east of the area. that bodes well for the nats. and redskins tonight, 8:15 begins our nbc 4 coverage. so i think we'll be in good shape for the game. >> all right. this is it. thank you, kim. see you in just a bit. baltimore police are looking for an escaped inmate. paul palmer faked a medical
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emergency while being taken to jail. he could be traveling in a silver 2008 kia spectra with a maryland plate. if you see him or his car, you're urged to call police. iran will release one of the american hikers today. they will release sarah shourd. she is being release odd a $500,000 bail, while the other two hikers will remain in custody. and, again, the night many of you have been waiting for. redskins open their season, tonight, the official season against arch rival dallas cowboys. the first regular season game for mike shanahan and starting quarterback donovan mcnabb will be playing. you can see all the action on nbc 4 starting at 8:15. the place to be. and those are some of the stories making news today. next is nbc 4's viewpoint. we'll be back in just a few
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minutes for an update. good morning. welcome to viewpoint. more than 23 million americans have diabetes. that's about 8% of the population. and according to the american diabetes association, another 57 million americans are at risk of developing diabetes. it is linked to heart disease and high blood pressure and kidney disease. it recently topped $200 billion. this morning we're talking about diabetes and the upcoming annual walk here in the nation's capital. joining us to discuss diabetes is robert seralta, manager of step out, walk the diabetes. welcome. dr. steven clement is director of georgetown university hospital diabetes center. and cheryl duvall is a top walker, at least you were last year, in the 2009 walk. and you a family with a history of diabetes.
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welcome you all to viewpoint. let's start with a story we reported early in the week about the investigation of the drug avandia. it's a popular diabetes drug that some say should be pulled off the market. what's the deal, doctor? >> the deal with avandia is there are risks of having a heart attack compared to other drugs or lacibo or inactive pill. not all studies are showing that. some are showing no net difference between avandia and some other drugs suture as glucatrol or ones we commonly use all the time. the controversy is making it stay on the fence. if it was clearly adversely causing heart attacks it would be off the market now. there may be a signal for increased risk of heart attack and others are finding it neutral. i still have patients that take
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avandia. they're happy with the drug t. it's keeping their sugar under control. i have counseled them about other drugs they could take if they want to come off avandia. actose is similar and that can be safely taken also. >> if it's ultimately decided that the drug should be pulled and it is pulled, what kind of an impact do you believe it would make on patients suffering from diabetes? >> personally, i don't see much of an impact. we would have to modify the dose and work up to a dose. we start it on a lower dose of actose and work up to it so they don't have side effects from actose. but i don't see a big major health problem. >> are the drugs getting better? cheryl is shaking her head.
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you're saying yes. >> yes. . my family members, i have been with american diabetes -- this is my 11th year. so my family members started with diabetes, when they were first diagnosed with medication. my father-in-law's medicine, he's saying, is much better, easier to take. and even to measure his insulin. there's so much equipment. the equipment is so much better. it makes him happy, which makes all of us happy. >> your family is managing it a little bit better because of all the advances? >> i'm latin background. my mother is chilean. my father paved arnold because of diabetes in part in his mid-60s. he suffered all the terrible
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things that you have. loss of vision. threat of amputation. my mother, on the other hand, is in her late 70s and is being treated. she walks every day. she's taking tango lessons and managing it. she's traveling all the time. so the greater awareness, especially in the afternoon-american communities and the hispanic communities because we unfortunately do have a higher percentage of those that are affected by this. as we said, we love to eat in our culture. we're eating ourselves and loving ourselves to death unfortunately. we don't have good eating habits. we're seeing people are managing it better when they have the knowledge. >> doctor, have the drugs and testing methods that much better? >> in incremental ways there are better. we still require a blood sugar. >> stick your finger? >> the needles are smaller.
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the amount of blood you need is almost microscopic. you can see it and get an accurate reading from it. we have continuous blue koes sensors that you can implant underneath the skip and it measures sugar in three minutes. it's a lot of work. we don't have a cure. >> and i want to ask you about a test, the a1c test. this has been controversial. it could miss millions of cases of diabetes and prediabetes and can lead to the overdiagnosis of black americans when used as a screening test. >> for the most part it is a good test. there are certain populations we have to get additional test toss see if it's real. can you use the a1c test to
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diagnose? you have to do a fasting test. measure a sample two hours after. that's the gold standard. fasting glucose and the two hours challenge is the standard. but the problem is those tests are difficult to do. you have to wait two hours. they're kind of a hassle. so the a1c is an average of two months. certain minority groups such as african-americans and there are some middle eastern people that can have variant types of hemoglobin is that people that can have sickle-cell trait or sickle-cell -- it's called a seed, another type of hemoglobin. you can get false positive results of the test.
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>> a doctor can determine the best method of testing in your case? >> yes. >> i'm sure you do. we will be right back. we have to take a break. stay with us.
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welcome back. we're talking about diabetes this morning. and the washington, d.c. area has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the nation. why is that, rocket? >> well, we do think it's tied to lifestyle. one of the lowest is in colorado. colorado has actually one of the healthiest populations. so, hence, they have some of the lowest in terms of diabetes. >> because they climb more mountains? is that it? >> i think being active is definitely a key to avoiding diabetes. the washington area also suffers from higher rates of other diseases as well. we know that aids and breast cancer and heart disease are
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also higher in this area. so it could be many things. we can't did have actively say that. clmpt clement could probably answer that question. the truth is we do have an answer in the. >> do you jog? >> i do. i jog, do cardio. that's the best therapy there is, i think. there's no medicine that can take the place of lifestyle issues. in d.c. we're prone to the issues that cause inactivity and overeating and great food. we have these wonderful restaurants and we invite ourselves and the great cuisine that's in the area. it has somewhat of an adverse effect. and we work very, very long hours. typical day of my patient that work on the hill or in the area is sometimes 10 to 12-hour day. >> and they're behind a desk.
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>> they're behind the desk. we actually do it to ourselves, unfortunately. >> but now does that mean that this prevalence of diabetes is our fault? >> well, it's a cultural thing. we have commitments. we have deadlines. we have people telling us we have to get these things done. unfortunately the things that are good for our lifestyle is exercise, eating right, they sometimes take a hit when we're working hard. >> i want to discuss the fact that we often have to battle that. we have this wonderful stepout walk on october 23rd. many times i will approach people and say to them, get involved in this walk and help us to stop diabetes. and unfortunately what happens is many people blame the victim. they will say they don't eat properly. they don't exercise. well, many people don't have the resources or means. they don't have local grocery
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stores they can get healthy food from. so we have to educate people on those issues. they are certainly higher in certain populations. we see overall it impacts certain groups higher than others. african-americans, latinos, american indians. those groups tend to have higher rates. but it isn't their fault. and even if it was, hypothetically their fault because they're not getting the right nutrition, they may not have access to that nutrition or to that and we need to get it to them. >> tell us about your family's story. you have a lot of diabetes in your family. >> yes, i do. both sides of my family has diabetes. a lot of my family has passed, died, from diabetes. like i say, when i first started, that's what got me involved, was doing the stepout walk for diabetes. and i'm the one at in a sets at
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a desk and types. and i know i need to get out and do more exercises. and i think if it wasn't for step out, that's like my major walk for the year. and i know i need to do more. and i do it for my family. and seeing that it is changing their lifestyle and letting them know the awareness, bringing that out, helps me to continue walking to be able to put it out to more people. especially with kpmg, when i first started there were three people that were walking. now we have the team that is 126789 i'm hoping to build that to 30. and we have raised over 60,000. we can do something about it. more people are getting active
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and involved. >> in fact, you were a top walker last year. >> yes. >> she won an award last year. i imagine she's well on her way to winning one this year. >> you're quite an inspiration to your co-workers and i would imagine your family too. >> yes. >> we're going to take a break and we'll continue talking diabetes and the upcoming walk next month here in washington. stay with us. think about the internet. growing, evolving, literally transforming our lives. now imagine the possibilities of what tomorrow could bring. at at&t, we support a core set of standards that will guide the internet into the future... to protect users, and reward innovators, for years to come. we support a fair and open internet - affordable and accessible to everyone. transparent networks, managed in ways that are clear to all users. we support the fcc's plan to bring high-speed internet to everyone in america by 2020.
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and we are committed to keeping the internet working, as the economic engine that's creating jobs now. working together, investing, keeping information and ideas flowing freely, we can ensure that the internet will continue to grow and influence the future... in ways we can only imagine. because the future has always been our business. at&t. welcome back to news 4 today. here's some of the stories making headlines this morning. authorities near san bruno, california, say four people are still missing after thursday's powerful gas line explosion. it leveled 40 homes and killed four people. authorities say people who live in 270 evacuated housing near the explosion site can begin
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returning home today. six people are dead in kentucky apparently over an argument over breakfast. a man was screaming at his wife at how she cooked his eggs when he suddenly started shooting. skips fans, it's game time. they open tonight against the arch rival dallas cowboys. right here at 8:15. more at the mom of the hour. for now back to viewpoint. welcome back. we're talking about diabetes this morning. and i have to ask you, do most people understand the difference between type one and type two? >> no. it's times difficult for us to even determine. we're seeing a tremendous overlap. type one, we used to call it juvenile onset because it only occurred in children. the cutoff for age was age 25 or even young adults, age 30.
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. type 2 we said was adult onset diabetes. the problem is we're seeing overlap between the two. we're seeing people with dip 1 diabetes. they have onset at middle age, 35, 40, 50 or so. and then the juvenile -- and the type 2 patients are occurring sometimes in children. so it is confusing for us. >> it is tied to a no diet lifestyle and obesity. >> we see sedentary lifestyles contribute a great day to diabetes. that's something we know. unfortunately we don't know necessarily how to get people out and doing activities and encouraging them to. so we have several different programs. one is step out. but we also have a wonderful thing called tour decure. we want people to get away from their computers, away from their
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television sets and be a little bit more active. but that is a direct result of that poor diet and seeing some of these younger children is poor diet and sedentary lifestyles. >> cheryl, any of your family members who suffer from diabetes children? >> no. >> they're all adults. i guess that's a good thing. >> it is so subtle one feels they're just tired from working too hard. >> we're all tired. >> we're all tired. we're all working too hard. doesn't mean we're all diabetic. but that's one symptom. one is -- more specific are increased thirst. feeling you have to drink water all the time. increased urination when you're not forcing fluids. in other words, if you're not actively drinking, if you're still finding you're going to the bathroom several times at night, that can be a sign.
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frequent infection such as yeast infection in women. even men can get yeast infection in the groin area. that's very untypical to happen. increased risk of infection is a real tipoff. >> so you have to look for it? >> you have to look for it. absolutely. >> which means you need to be going to your doctor or walking. >> you need to be walking, active. >> you need to be aware is the point. >> absolutely. we'll go to actual offices and do lunch and learn. we just did one yesterday at kpmg. and the question was, what are the symptoms? people don't realize they have it.
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we can get treatment. we can get them on the road to -- you never are rid of diabetes but you can manage it. so one of the things to do is look out -- if you have a cut or infection it won't heal. i'm just always thirsty, always urinating. that's the include. you have to be aware of the signs. blurred vision is also another one. and be proactive. >> cheryl, do you talk about this during the lunch and learns at your office? >> we do, yes. we had one in july. we have a k-fit at kpmg. >> what is kpmg? that's where you work? >> that's where i work, an accounting firm. they believe in exercising. so we have several walks.
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and we are in competition with different walks coming up. seems like there are four of them in october. so i do share that with kpmg with my employees about the different walks and diabetes, 1, 2. we try to do a lot of lunch and learns and get them active. >> active as well as aware. >> exactly. >> we'll come back and talk about this upcoming walk for diabetes which is taking place in 140 cities around the country? >> it's in our major markets. we have several that are around this area as well. >> let's talk about the one in washington. all right. we'll take a break. stay with us. !%
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welcome back. in a little more than a month, washington will step out to fight diabetes.
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tell us about the walk on the 23rd of october. >> this will be our 20th year. we have walks throughout the country. it's what we call our signature event. this really is our largest event locally. it take place at nats stadium, nationals park. we actually go into the stadium. we have a walk from two to five miles. we do also have a health fair or health fest afterwards. booths are set up and so forth. it's a great way to get your family up and out. join as a group. join aus a family. or come by yourself and just make friends. people who have diabetes are identified if they want to be. and they're called red striders. they wear red caps, red shirts. part of what we're trying to do is elevate awareness and support our brothers and sisters. our communities, fathers, mothers. our children suffering from this disease. >> how much does the walk cost? >> we don't ask for any minimum
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contribution. there are walks that have a minimum. but we do ask that you try to raise $100 so you can have a t-shirt. and we actually have nbc 4 to thank as a sponsor. you've been very helpful to us in the past and also this year as well. >> you raised awareness and funds. how are the funds used? >> the funds are tremendously well utilized. we had the report that came out, independent research. similar to pew. of the amount that was spent, we ranked number one. we tied with special olympics for usage in terms of resources. if you give $1 to the american diabetes association, 75 cents will be used for program and 6 to 7 cents will go locally. we want to be able to share and
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do research and beat this. >> if i were to ask you, and i will, what does it take away from this conversation? those of us sitting around the breakfast table, getting ready for sunday services, what can you do to better manage? >> the food. be conscious of what you eat. exercise. >> okay. >> exercise and eat better. doctor, make it easier than that. simplify it for us. we know we're supposed to eat better and exercise but we're not doing it. >> there's no third variable there. that's it. staying healthy. keeping weight under control. it's hard to do in our culture. but that really is the magic let. it's good exercise. good healthy diet. living well. live actively and not by using food as a tool. >> so the one simple daily
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change that i can make in my routine that will help me. >> walking 30 minutes a day. split it 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there. parking further away. you don't have to have the closest spot to the box store or whatever. use your body. your body needs that exercise to survive. >> taking stairs significantly reduce risk? >> it does. for every step you walk you increase your life span by a minute. >> that's encouraging. >> one of the best ideas i got is we're doing a lawyers cup. i went to their kickoff yesterday. what they did is they suggested to their employees when they get their food, go ahead and ask for the takeaway box at the beginning of the meal. split up your plate and put of of it away right away. you can have lunch the next day. >> don't do what your mother always told you? >> exactly. >> thank you all.
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stay well and healthy. >> thank you. >> and thank you for being with us. that's viewpoint. i'm pat lawson news. news 4 today continues. good morning, everyone. it's sunday, september 12th, 2010. i'm jim hanley. the news is just ahead. but first let's get a quick check of our forecast. meteorologist kim martucci joins us in the studio right now. a reminder of what rain looks like. it has been so line. we were doing a double take. >> really. nice and damp outside. the lawn is soaking it up as fast as it can fall. we have cloudy skies this
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morning at 7:31. it is 64. the humidity is 94%. winds shifting east. showers mostly pushing east of the area down towards annapolis and up to the bay. otherwise, i think we are in pretty good shape. we are looking to have these temperatures go from the middle 60s, a cool day into the lower 70s, middle 70s with clouds. we might even have a hint of sunshine into the shenandoah. any showers should basically stay east of the district, which is good for the nats and good for the skins later tonight. >> indeed. that is good news. bring the ponchos you're going to need them. all right. thanks, kim. we're following a developing story out of baltimore. police there issued an alert for an escaped inmate who could be in the d.c. area. paul palmer faked a medical emergency while officers were taking him to jail. palmer is charged with attempted murder in a stabbing last month.
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police say he could be traveling with a woman in a silver 2008 kia spectra 1 ewb 100, maryland. if you see him or his car or know anything about this case, you're urged to call 911. we're also following a developing story out of iran after canceling the release of one of the detained hikers in iran saturday, a prosecutor says the country will release one of them today. iran will free sarah shourd on $500,000 bail today because of health difficulties. more than a year after she was jailed with two friends and accused of spying. shourd was to be released yesterday but the process was canceled due to unfinished paperwork. the two other hikers, josh about tall and shane bauer. mayor adrian fenty and vince
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gray are still looking to snag last-minute votes. derrick ward was with both yesterday and has the latest now on decision 2010. >> four more years! >> reporter: with less than 72 hours left, both front-runners are taking advantage of the last weekend of campaigning to make the final push. >> three days. three days. that's what we have until d.c. reaches the final day and we go to the polls. >> at some stage of the game it's not unusual to see candidates trying to woo the other side of voters. >> i'm just waiting to see how the last minute poll is going. >> rival rallies in the district, both pledged school reform with fenty touting praise
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from the obama administration and gray adding a tinge of criticism with how the incumbent has gone about it. >> because of what we have done here over the next three years. they see us to continue it going forward. >> with me as mayor we'll keep moving forward. with a strong chancellor that focusing on all of our children, all of our parents, and, yes, all of our teachers in the process. >> they reached critical mass for the last of the early voters. >> he likened the election to chopping wood. he said it takes a lot of blows but only the last one splits the log. in the district, derrick ward,
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news 4. americans are taking time-out this weekend to remember the tragic events of 9/11. new york city honored lives lost with an annual light tribute. a player of blue beams symbolizing the twin towers lit the sky overnight. lights on the empire state building paid tribute. the top was lit in red, white, and blue. president obama attended a 9/11 memorial event at the pentagon. a hijacked plane smashed into the virginia building's west side, killing 184 people. yesterday he laid a wreath at the penalty gone's memorial site. the president asked americans honor the 2001 event by holding up values of diversity and tolerance. and in shanksville, pennsylvania, first lady michelle owe bam and former first lady laura bush spoke at the field where flight 93 went down.
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the first lady and her predecessor met privately. a reading of names and a bell toll for each of the victims. after weeks of attention and controversy, the florida pastor was supposed to burn hundreds of korans turned out to be relatively uneventful. many protesters showed up at the church despite the burning being cancelled. police inspected every vehicle. but the protests were peaceful and the big event turned the town out to be the florida gators taking on south florida in an sclifs interview on the "today" show, pastor terry jones said he would never again consideburning the muslim holy book. >> not today. not ever. we're not going to go back and do it. it is totally canceled. we were obedient. we feel god is telling us to stop. >> jones traveled up to new york
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in an effort to meet with an amman at the site for the mosque. the day has finally arrived when the redskins will take on their arch rivals the dallas cowboys in the season opener tonight. and when fans arrive at the stadium, it's not just a new team they will be seeing. there's all this new technology all over the fedex field. news 4's darcy spencer shows us the upgrades. >> tailgating redskins fans who arrive at fedex field early will get to five five other games on the huge jumbo trons in the parking lot. they will be tuned to the red zone channel so fans won't miss any of the games of the day. >> expect to see five gigantic video boards.
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it's going to have nfl red zone. you can keep up with all the exciting games while you're enjoying the tailgating experience. >> it will open at noon sunday, more than eight hours before the skins take on dallas in what promises to be a spectacular season opener against their arch rivals. >> cowboys and redskins. this is like our super bowl. >> reporter: fans who get here at 2:00 will see a parade right here in the parking lot. it will feature the redskins cheerleaders and bands. it will all be led by dexter manley. redskins officials say the added measures are meant to create a more fan friendly experience at fedex field. once inside the stadium, these new hd video boards will help keep track of the action and player stats. >> if we continue not to win and translate into a successful campaign, it's all for naught. because we just want another championship here. d.c. needs a super bowl.
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>> reporter: the other benefit is beating the crowds. police are urging fans to avoid traditional routes that get bogged down in game day traffic. >> i believe that's what they're anticipating. there's a lot of excitement about this game. >> reporter: darcy expenser, news 4. >> like that screen there. and to help fans get home after the game, metro will be staying open late. the system will close at 1:00 a.m. metro is also putting more trains in service this evening to help handle the huge crowds. if you can't make it out to the game tonight, you can catch all the big action between the skins and cowboys right here on nbc 4. coverage begins 8:15. be there. most nfl teams open their seasons today but it was college football in the spotlight yesterday. one game featured an upset no one saw coming. hakim dermish has the highlights in sports in a minute.
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>> reporter: good morning, everyone. your sports minute begins with an upset in college football. james madison on the road against 13th-ranked virginia tech. sullivan of james madison turns in the play of the game, scoring a 77 yard touchdown. dukes shocked the hokies, 21-16. virginia tech falls to 0-2. college park, maryland, freshman danny o'brien threw three touchdowns in the first half. maryland put up 370 yards of offense, crushing oregon state, 62-3. its highest scoring performance in 35 years. in annapolis. navy against georgia southern. not much offense in this game. dobbs's one yard touchdown proved to be the difference. 13-7. and in baseball nationals/marlins. espinoza made a diving catch. gets the runner at first. marlins beat the nationals, 4-1.
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coming up later today here on nbc 4, check out our countdown to kickoff special at noon previewing the big redskins/cowboys game. big day. another local team failed to come up with a win yesterday. virginia cavaliers fell to the usc trojans 17-14 out in l.a. virginia is 1-1 on the season and takes on vmi in two weeks. well, the "today" show is next on nbc 4. it starts at 8:00. jenna wolf joins us live from new york. hi, jenna. >> hi, jim. good morning. coming up today, we have breaking news this morning out of iran. word that one of the three american hikers who had been detained for more than a year will reportedly be released on bail. we will have the latest. also ahead, on a day of remembrance, protesters take to the streets amid controversy surrounding that proposed mosque near ground zero. then, an icon in milwaukee
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may be out. why harley davidson days could be number indeed wisconsin. and the daytime diva plans to make this good-bye one to remember. we'll look at oprah's daytime reign and see what kind of surprises she has for her farewell season. jim be i know you're intrigued. those stories and much more later on "today." >> thanks so much. have a great sunday. still ahead on news 4 this hour -- >> i'm really happy for you. i'm going to let you finish. but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. >> he stole her thunder. now taylor swift may be ready to return the favor to kanye west tonight. we'll explain when we come right back. stick around. think about the internet.
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growing, evolving, literally transforming our lives. now imagine the possibilities of what tomorrow could bring. at at&t, we support a core set of standards that will guide the internet into the future... to protect users, and reward innovators, for years to come. we support a fair and open internet - affordable and accessible to everyone. transparent networks, managed in ways that are clear to all users. we support the fcc's plan to bring high-speed internet to everyone in america by 2020. and we are committed to keeping the internet working, as the economic engine that's creating jobs now. working together, investing, keeping information and ideas flowing freely, we can ensure that the internet will continue to grow and influence the future... in ways we can only imagine. because the future has always been our business.
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i'm really happy for you. i'm going to let you finish. but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. >> oh, it was painful. a year has now past since kanye west's famous meltdown at the video music awards. the target of that tirade apparently hasn't forgotten what happened. taylor swift wrote a song about that experience, and she'll reportedly perform it tonight at the vmas. west has apologized to swift, we know. he's also scheduled to perform there tonight as well. interesting. the contestants in one race in lithuania took the phrase no pain no gain pretty seriously. the country held its first high heeled race yesterday. 22 contestants had to run 262 feet in heels that were at least two inches high. the winner was a 21-year-old male professional athlete. he borrowed a pair of heels from his mom's friend.
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although he might not know what to do with the grand prize, 63 bucks of women's makeup. that might go well with the women's high heel shoes. but somebody is waking up pretty sore i would think today. >> i would think so. i think women definitely have the advantage in that race. >> some practice. >> especially working here, running from the newsroom to the studio. well, we have some wet weather that has come through. a lot of it has moved to the east. all the outdoor activities you have planned and how the weather will affect them this sunday. we'll be right back.
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as you mentioned earlier, it's been crunchy out there for days and days and days. this is what we've been waiting for. be careful what you ask for. >> we are. early. we're looking at better weather for our sports teams today. the nats at 1:35 and redskins at 8:15. so great to have you with us on this sunday morning. hope you're enjoying your bagels and lox. that's what i'm craving. take a look outside. we have 60s and light showers. mostly east of the area, humidity is 94%. digital doppler shows where the
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rain is falling. southern maryland, green spring, good morning to you. popular woods, yeah, that's where we have some showers. up to the north, pushing east of annapolis. and mayo. good news there. locally we have rain showers pushing into the delmarva. not the best beach weather today. but, you know, we had a good one yesterday. mostly morning showers coming to an end. it looks like the redskins game is dry albeit cloudy. same for the nats. our dry weather will kick off the workweek and take us through thursday. it's nice and warm during the day and coolish at night. frederick, good morning, 63. 63 in la plata. winchester, virginia. it will be around 69 at noon. 73 at 3:00. no showers this afternoon. i think we just stay cloudy for
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various games. 1 scln 35 first pitch at nationals ballpark. florida marlins are in town. stray showers to the east of. 71 for the first pitch. 72 by seventh inning stretch. here go the showers. they're probably going to linger off the coast and the shoreline this afternoon. that's why beach weather isn't so great. here goes our low entering the ocean. this is tomorrow morning around 6:31. otherwise, we will keep it dry here and mostly sunny on tuesday with warm highs in the 80s. a good one if you don't mind a change in pace from what we have been seeing. cloudy skies. 71 to 76 with east wind. coming up this evening for the skins, looking good. 71 at 8:00.
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66 degrees during the game. partly cloudy, patchy fog in the morning. 50s and low 60s. here we go. monday, tuesday, wednesday, loving it. looking good. 76. that's my kind of weather. sunny on wednesday. and we'll round out the week with a shot of showers with highs in the 70s. next weekend, not so bad this far ahead. mostly sunny. go skins, no gatz. we need some ws here. >> we sure do. early for this game. >> right. >> kim, thanks so much. see you in a bit. virginia tech fans are down. hokies lost another game. this was a loss no one saw coming. hakim dermish has the highlights in this morning's sports. good morning, everyone. james madison head coach matthews said this week, it's kind of comical to think you're going to go down there and beat them. yesterday matthews and the dukes went to blacksburg and beat 13-ranked virginia tech. they got paid for it, too.
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the hokies reportedly paid james madison $400,000. now, if you're not familiar, it's a common practice for the larger school to pay the smaller school for travel expenses. what's not common, when the small schools beats up on the big school. and pay attention to this, kids. first quarter, hokies on offense. rain coming down. no problem for tie rod taylor. taylor is smooth. finds boykin for a nine yard touchdown. virginia tech takes a 7-0 lead. second quarter, here comes matthews and the dukes. out to sullivan. he makes something happen here. avoids tackles. breaks tackles. down the sidelines. 77 yards. madison down three. remember, folks, jmu is not a cupcake. drew fakes the handoff.
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scoops 12 yards for the score. two tds. james madison up, 21-16. hokies head coach thinking, what's going on here? just five minutes to play. virginia tech in the red zone. handoff to darren 6th advance. he gets hit hard. fumbles. and the dukes recover. wouldn't you know it. and folks in virginia feeling good about that one. james madison upsets virginia tech, 21-16, the final. all right. let's go to college park, maryland. first quarter maryland up 7-0. quick out to cannon. cannon does the rest. he's in for a 19 yard score. terps take a 14-0 lead. more where that came from. second quarter, defense gets on the score. check out demetrius hartsfield.
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maryland up, 24-0. the route, oh, yeah, that's gone. later in the second now. freshman, backup quarterback danny o'brien in the game. o'brien solid here. steps up in the pocket like a veteran. throws a perfect pass to smith. wow. o'brien throws for three touchdowns in the first half. terps crush oregon state, 62-3. let's go to annapolis. navy trying to rebound from the maryland loss last week hosting georgia southern. second quarter. georgia southern in white. they try to run a fake punt. not so much. well short of the first down marker. midshipman down to the 40 yard line. they are in business. so then on second and five. from the 21. dobbs throw toss santiago. nice catch. dobbs attempted eight passes in the game.
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three plays later, dobbs doing what he does best. plunges in from one yard out. navy defeats georgia southern. 13-7 is the final. redskins defensive tackle albert haynesworth will play in the season opener against the cowboys according to espn. he could also start the game depending how the dallas cowboys open up on offense. nonetheless, it's go time for the redskins. they've lost three straight to the cowboys. tonight, the 101st meeting, and you can watch the game right here on nbc 4. for now, here's line blacker brian on facing dallas in primetime. >> it's good to start it off with a bang. week one they're going to show if they bring it. we have to take advantage of that. we came up short. it's a new red skin era. new team, new regime. i know they're going to bring it as well.
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fans, stay tuned. >> all right. stay tuned. elsewhere in the nfl, former maryland terp and 49 er davis is the highest paid tight end in history. signing a five-year extension worth $37 million, $23 million guaranteed. nationals taking on the marlins yesterday afternoon. top five is where we pick it up. nationals trail 2-0. jason marquis facing logan morrison. two on, two out. hits one to second. check out danny espinosa. diving stab. gets up, throws to first. and he got him. that ends the inning. an impressive play by danny espinosa. more defense. ground ball to third. in between for zimmerman. stays with it. gets the out at first. check out adam dunn. back to zimmerman. ramirez, double play. the bats never got going. marlins beat the nationals, 4-1. that's your morning sports. i'm hakim dermish.
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have a great day. and that does it for news 4 today. i'll be back in 25 minutes with another local news upday. join us at 9:00 a.m. for a full hour of news, weather, sports. until then, have a great day and stay dry out there, folks.


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